Individual Therapy

Emotions are essential to our well being. They provide important information that help guide us in life. They help us understand our needs, motivate us to action, and lead us to safety.

Sometimes, however, our emotions get so big and unruly that they begin to overwhelm our system, affect our relationships, and make it hard to live a good life. Rather than act as helpful guides, they become obstacles that interfere with our ability to make wise decisions and find peace.

Therapy can help you learn how to be with your emotions so that they work with you, not against you.


Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations

Anxiety can help us stay alert and aware, and can motivate us to be in action and solve problems. Sometimes, however, anxiety persists and, rather than being helpful, symptoms become unbearable and interfere with our ability to function in important parts of our life – in our work and in our relationships. 

Anxiety Disorders are Treatable

Although almost 1 out of every 5 Americans struggle with anxiety, anxiety disorders are highly treatable. With guidance, you can start to feel calmer and in more control over your life.

I can help you in two ways. First, I can help you develop a toolbox of practical skills to manage your anxiety when it arises.  Those skills include mindfulness, stress management, perspective taking, and emotional regulation.  Once you’re more in control of your anxiety, I can help you gain a deeper understanding of the causes of your anxiety and, where necessary, I can help you process past experiences to alleviate symptoms.

Anxiety can take us away from the people we love and things we love to do.  Working with a therapist can help you develop practical skills to manage your anxiety so that you can use it productively without being carried away. 

You can enjoy your life again.


Struggling with depression is painful

Your friends and family may be telling you to “just get over it” and do the things you need to do. They just don’t understand how hard it is. Depression is especially challenging because the depression itself holds you back from doing the things that will help you feel better. You may already know that you should be exercising, spending time with friends, eating better, and getting out of the house more - but you can’t get yourself to do it. Your depression is getting in the way.

You’re Not Alone

You don’t need to struggle with your depression alone.  Learning emotional regulation skills and how to be in better relationship with your thoughts and feelings can make all the difference. 

So, what does that look like? 

  • Developing mindfulness skills

  • Managing your negative self-talk

  • Finding your strengths

  • Creating a toolbox of emotional regulation skills

  • Learning how to respond to difficult situations without making them worse

  • Adopting a growth mindset

  • Developing compassion for yourself while also learning how to get active and engaged

  • Respecting your feelings but not letting them be in charge

  • Learning about your different parts, the ones that are strong and the ones that may be holding you back.

Struggling with depression is hard. You can get help and work with a therapist who understands how challenging living with depression can be.  I can teach you the skills you need to be kinder to yourself so you can start living a bigger, happier life!


Sometimes we find that experiences from our past make us particularly sensitive and easily triggered.

When we experience physical or emotional trauma, we often respond with our natural “fight, flight, freeze, or fawn” response. Although our brains have an organic way of processing these experiences, sometimes they remain “stuck.” We may find ourselves easily triggered, ruminating, and feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Trauma therapy, including EMDR and IFS, helps people process these memories and resume the natural healing process.