Frequently asked questions.

  • I currently meet with all my clients virtually. For my therapy clients, I am licensed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. And I meet virtually with coaching clients all around the world.

  • For my therapy clients, I am considered an “out-of-network” provider with most insurance companies.  I can provide you with a “super bill” to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement of out of network services. Insurance usually does not cover coaching engagements.

  • My clients and colleagues have told me that I am caring, insightful, and non-judgmental.  I create a safe environment to explore vulnerable feelings and needs while also being direct and encouraging as I challenge my clients toward growth and change.

    Individual therapy and coaching sessions are usually 50 minute sessions.

    Couples counseling sessions are usually 80 minutes.  I find the additional time to be helpful to ensure enough time for both partners to share their feelings and be heard.  

  • $175 for 50 minute sessions and $262.50 for 80 minute sessions.

    Payments are made by credit card, FSA card, Venmo, or Zelle.

  • Let’s schedule a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit.  You can call, email, or click on the “ Free Consultation” button.